カブト虫の森|長崎県 時津町|山之内豪樹のブログ



Application for Enlistment of Contractor


General and specialized contractors must present a continuing bond of the contractor (F625-003-000). Guarantees are available through a surety company or insurance agency. Premiums vary from company to company, as do retention requirements. Check the information on the contractor`s renewal card that you received in the mail. If your information is accurate and your required documents are up to date, send the renewal card with a cheque for $117.90 or money order to: When advertising, soliciting quotes or offering to do work, the law requires you to always provide your contractor registration number. This includes business cards, yellow page ads, newspaper ads, internet ads, quotes, and bid proposals. Washington State requires all contractors to register with L&I. At your local L&I office, our customer service representatives can help you register your business and complete your application. To avoid unnecessary delays, you will need the following: Completed applications submitted by mail currently require 3-4 weeks of receipt to process and activate your registration. Once your business is registered, it will be listed in our “Check Contractor, Craftsman or Business” tool. You will receive a registration card in about 2 weeks. Note: All signatures on your application must be original and notarized.

We cannot accept a copy of your application. Understand your responsibility for the safety of your employees and contractors. To register as an entrepreneur, you need to buy: we currently have a significant shortage of staff. We ask you to be patient and understanding for any delay in service. New applications can take 6 to 8 weeks to process. For all other services, you can expect a delay of two to three weeks. Some activities have licensing requirements that apply in addition to the contractor`s registration. After registering, you must use your contractor registration number for all your business communications. If you have a new bond company or a new bond amount or insurance company or a new amount of coverage since your last renewal, you will need to update your information before renewing. The amount of your deposit cannot be reduced for 2 years if you move from a general contractor to a specialized contractor.

There are two classifications of entrepreneurs in the state: L&I regulates 63 specialties, each requiring registration as an entrepreneur. These specialties include roofing, painting, HVAC, tree removal, mobile home furnishings, and dozens of others. After registration, contractors can bid, advertise and perform construction work. This may include the construction, renovation, repair and demolition of buildings, roads and other real estate. If you are a new entrepreneur or are thinking of registering, check out the Entrepreneur Overview module to better understand the requirements. Working without registering as an entrepreneur in Washington carries significant penalties and fines. We suspend a registration if the registration requirements are not met, para. B example if a guarantee or insurance is cancelled or expires or if there is an unsatisfied judgment. If you use pesticides, contact the Washington State Department. the Agriculture, Permitting and Recertification program at (877) 301-4555 or license@agr.wa.gov to ensure you comply with federal and state pesticide laws, or visit agr.wa.gov.

You can reinstate your registration online or in person. To restore, you must: If we suspend a registration, we will notify you within 2 days of the suspension both by registered mail and by first class mail. The letter will tell you what you need to do to reinstate your registration. You can bring the required documents and payment to your local L&I office. We accept cash, checks, money orders and credit/debit cards. The order in which you complete these steps can affect how quickly you can complete the registration process. If you`re not sure which business structure to use, check out our guide, Applying for Your Washington Business License: A Step-by-Step Guide (F101-079-000), or visit business.wa.gov for detailed information on starting and structuring your business. You can send your completed, signed and notarized application for business registration (F625-001-000) to the following address: The bond must contain the bond number and the exact name of the business. Your surety and insurance must use the exact name of your company, and L&I must be listed as the certificate holder for your liability insurance. If you are not sure how to purchase your deposit and insurance, contact a licensed insurance agent. Contact the Washington State Department.

from the Commercial Lead Paint Program at 360-586-5323 (LEAD) or visit www.commerce.wa.gov/lead before renovating or redeveloping operations in residential or children`s facilities prior to 1978 to ensure compliance with applicable lead regulations. Department of Labor & IndustriesContractor Registration SectionPO Box 44450Olympia WA 98504-4450 • Provide your 12-digit contractor registration number, email address, and phone number.• Provide proof that you have corrected the problem, by e.B a new surety or insurance certificate, or satisfaction with the judgment.• Pay the reinstatement fee of $55.70. If any of the required information is missing or incorrect, we will contact you to complete your registration. Note: Attach your registration renewal card to your records. This will help us process your renewal quickly. . To renew online, you will need the following information: Obtain general proof of liability insurance coverage from your insurance agent. Contractor RegistrationP.O. BOX 44450Olympia, WA 98504-4450 Bring all required documents and your $117.90 renewal payment to your local L&I office or send them to: Before completing your renewal, use our “Verify a Contractor, Craftsman or Business” tool to ensure that your: The alternative to a bond is an assigned bank account. An account assignment (F625-008-000) must appear on this form (also available at local L&I offices). You can reserve the required amount in the form of cash, a certificate of deposit, a term deposit, or a money market account with a bank, savings and loan association, or credit union with a branch in Washington. You can also send the required documents and payment (check or money order) by mail to: If your company has not made any changes, by e.B, change partner, change name or structure of the company, or change your area of expertise, you can make an extension with one of the following options.


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1962年 福岡県飯塚市生まれ 育ちは兵庫県尼崎市。ファーストフードで会社員をしながら、長崎県時津町で! 昆虫専門店 ❝カブト虫の森❞ 代表をこなしつつ、イオン同友店会で役員も兼務中!! 3役をこなしながら営業中です!  カブト虫・クワガタ虫に興味を持った? 持っている? お客様に昆虫の神秘を少しでも伝えれる店舗を目指しています。 また、お子様が興味を持って困っているお父さん・お母さんの手助けもおまかせください!!

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