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Live by the Four Agreements


In these agreements, you have told yourself who you are, how you feel, what you believe and how to behave. And in an effort to be accepted by everyone around you, you have created this image of what perfection is, based on the beliefs of others. If you practice life according to these four agreements, you will have made the decision to create your own sanctuary from heaven on earth, and so your life will slowly change for the better. You will feel alive again, freed from energy and strength. And most importantly, you will find the emotional, mental and physical freedom to be your truest self and express yourself completely as you please. “You are not here to sacrifice your joy or your life. You are here to live, to be happy and to love. If you can do your best in two hours of meditation, but you spend eight hours there, you will only get tired, miss the point and not enjoy your life. Do your best, and maybe you will learn that no matter how long you meditate, you can live, love, and be happy. In part 1 of this 2-part video, we learn about the “domestication” of man and how all the rules and values of our family and society are imposed on us by a system of punishment and reward. As young children, our true nature is to love and be happy, to explore and enjoy life; we are absolutely authentic.

But then we learn to be what others think we “should” be, and because it`s not acceptable for us to be who we are, we start pretending to be what we aren`t. When we are teenagers, we have learned to judge ourselves, to punish ourselves and to reward ourselves according to agreements we have never chosen. The Four Accords help us break self-limiting agreements and replace them with agreements that bring us freedom, happiness and love. “The Four Chords” not only gave me the four chords with which I made small positive changes in my life, but the book also helped me understand the process of “domestication” and how that “domestication” shaped my belief systems. The Four Accords were published© in 1997 and have sold approximately 9 million copies. It has been on the New York Times bestseller list for nearly a decade. Everything we do is based on agreements we have made – agreements with ourselves, with other people, with God, with life. But the most important agreements are those we make with ourselves.

In the following, I break down these “chords” into simple words and describe what it looks like to use them in everyday life. To remove this fog from your mind, this mitote, so that you can start thinking clearly and create a new belief system within you, a system that gives you the freedom to measure yourself against who you want to be, and not someone else`s version of yourself, ruiz offers four new chords that you can form and experience by: In addition to the book and audiobook, an eBook, a four-color illustrated book, a card game, and an online course are also available. [1] In The Four Agreements, Don Miguel reveals the source of self-limiting agreements that deprive us of joy and create unnecessary suffering. If we are prepared to amend these agreements, there are four agreements of deceptive but powerful simplicity that we can adopt as guiding principles. Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, the Four Accords offer a powerful code of conduct that can quickly transform our lives into a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love. Keep this device in your head, and whatever your habits or goals, use these chords as an underlying tool to get where you`re going. “We have learned to live our lives and try to satisfy the demands of others. We have learned to live from the point of view of others because we are afraid of not being accepted and not being good enough for someone else,” Ruiz writes. This is because as children we did not have the opportunity to choose our beliefs, we simply accepted the information that was passed on to us by our families, schools and societies. And no matter if the ideas, values, and beliefs were right or wrong, every time we heard and believed an opinion, we internalized it as an agreement, and that agreement was part of our belief system. Then we used these agreements to forge our own identity.

One downside of the book is that some of the chords are too extreme, and if you take them literally, they can cause additional problems in your life if taken without a proverbial grain of salt. However, with a little balance and a sense of openness, these chords can each be transformative and relieve stress. Here is a statement on each of the four agreements. “We live in a fog that is not even real,” Ruiz continues. “This fog is a dream, your personal dream of life – what you believe, all the ideas you have about who you are, all the agreements you have made with others, with yourself and even with God.

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1962年 福岡県飯塚市生まれ 育ちは兵庫県尼崎市。ファーストフードで会社員をしながら、長崎県時津町で! 昆虫専門店 ❝カブト虫の森❞ 代表をこなしつつ、イオン同友店会で役員も兼務中!! 3役をこなしながら営業中です!  カブト虫・クワガタ虫に興味を持った? 持っている? お客様に昆虫の神秘を少しでも伝えれる店舗を目指しています。 また、お子様が興味を持って困っているお父さん・お母さんの手助けもおまかせください!!

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