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Privacy Policy Standard Contractual Clauses


Catherine Zhu is a privacy and technology transaction lawyer at Foley & Lardner LLP. She has advised hundreds of high-growth companies on business and data protection issues, including the implementation of intelligent data protection strategies in a complex regulatory environment. If you have a request about our privacy practices regarding our Privacy Shield certification, we encourage you to contact us. Google is subject to the investigative and enforcement powers of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC). You can also forward a complaint to your local data protection authority and we will work with them to resolve your issue. In certain circumstances, the Privacy Shield Framework provides for the right to initiate binding arbitration to resolve complaints that have not been resolved by other means, as described in Appendix I of the Privacy Shield Principles. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of websites, mobile applications or other digital services other than Kroll, including those that may be linked through Kroll websites or services, and we encourage you to read the Privacy Policy or notice posted therein. For most companies, compliance with new CTCs affects many stakeholders, including legal aspects, privacy, security, operations, as well as those that are indirectly or directly responsible for customers (existing and new), partnerships and suppliers. When implementing the new CLAs, companies should consider the following: Designit has a global presence and the information you provide to us may be shared with our colleagues in other countries, including outside the EU/EEA. In the case of transfers to third countries to Group companies, it appropriately protects the use of the European Commission`s standard contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data to third countries. A copy of the relevant standard contractual clauses can be found at [email protected]. The transfer to third countries takes place on the basis of Article 46(2)(.c OF THE GDPR.

The COLLECTIVE SHALL DEFINE THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONTROLLER AND THE PROCESSOR WHEN PROCESSING PERSONAL DATA ON BEHALF OF THE CONTROLLER. The clauses aim to ensure that they are each GDPR compliant, they contain obligations on both sides and define rights for the persons whose personal data is transferred. We will only share your personal information with your consent or in accordance with this Policy. We will not share, sell or otherwise distribute the information you provide to us, except as described in this Privacy Policy. At the same time, companies around the world are suffering from the frenetic pace of data protection legislation updates that have been or will be introduced. In the United States, many states have adopted or are considering stricter consumer protection laws. For more information about our use of cookies, please see our Cookie Policy: www.designit.com/cooki. 12.1 Twilio Audit Program. Twilio uses third-party auditors to verify the adequacy of its security measures regarding the processing of Customer Content.

These audits are carried out at least once a year at Twilio`s expense by independent external security experts after Twilio`s selection and result in the preparation of a confidential audit report (“Audit Report”). For a description of Twilio`s certifications and/or standards for testing (a) Twilio Services, see www.twilio.com/security; and (b) SendGrid Services, see sendgrid.com/policies/security. If you believe that we have used your personal information in a manner that is not consistent with this Privacy Policy or your choices, or if you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, please contact Arm`s Privacy Office by sending an email here: privacy[at]arm[dot]com. Each request will be assessed and completed in accordance with applicable data protection law, including verification of the applicant`s identity. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our processing of your personal data, please contact us at [email protected]. If you are a California resident, California law may grant you additional rights with respect to the use of your personal information. To learn more about your privacy rights in California, see the CCPA Privacy Statement. 7.1 Sub-processors. The Customer agrees that Twilio may use subcontractors to perform its contractual obligations under the Agreement. If Twilio authorizes a sub-processor as described in this Section 7, Twilio undertakes to impose data protection conditions on each subcontractor designated by twilio that require it to protect customer Content according to the standards required by applicable data protection law, such as. B the incorporation of the same data protection obligations under Article 28(3) of the GDPR.

in particular, provide sufficient guarantees to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures so that the processing complies with the requirements of the GDPR. For MATTERS RELATED TO THE CCPA, you have the right to file a complaint with the California State Attorney General`s Office. Contact information can be found under oag.ca.gov/privacy/ccp…; If you would like to learn more about your rights under the CCPA, please read here. To minimize operational overhead, companies should immediately begin planning for the implementation of new SCCs with a long lead time to maximize synergies with their existing data protection programs and take advantage of natural contract renewal cycles. 14.3 Standard Contractual Clauses. This Addendum contains by reference (a) the Standard Contractual Clauses for transfers from controllers to processors approved by the European Commission in Decision 2010/87/EU, provided that Appendices 1 and 2 of the Standard Contractual Clauses are deemed to have been concluded, as set out in Annex 2 to this Addendum; and (b) the standard contractual clauses for the transfer from controllers to controllers approved by the European Commission in Decision 2004/915/EC, provided that Annex B of the standard contractual clauses is deemed to have been fulfilled, as set out in Annex 3 to this Addendum. The parties further agree that the Standard Contractual Clauses apply to personal data transferred via the Services from the European Economic Area, the United Kingdom and/or Switzerland outside the European Economic Area, the United Kingdom and Switzerland, either directly or by onward transfer to a country or recipient: (i) not recognised by the European Commission (or in the case of transfers from the United Kingdom). Kingdom or Switzerland, the competent authority for the United Kingdom or Switzerland), as they offer an adequate level of protection of personal data and (ii) are not covered by Twilio`s BCRs. The Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time and we encourage you to visit this page regularly to stay informed of changes we have made.

For the sake of clarity, please note that this Privacy Policy does not apply to the processing of personal data concerning candidates, employees or consultants. While the new CTAs help resolve some of the much-discussed issues surrounding the Schrems II decision, the adoption and compliance with the new CTCs is likely to be a daunting administrative and operational task for many organizations. .

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