カブト虫の森|長崎県 時津町|山之内豪樹のブログ



Main Collective Agreement for the Road Freight Industry


Therefore, all employers in the industry must comply with this agreement as of that date. A contract of employment (whether concluded before or after the date of entry into force of the collective agreement in question) may not allow for less favourable treatment than that provided for in the collective agreement or a waiver of the application of the provisions of the collective agreement[3]. This means that the conditions are binding on the parties who entered into the collective agreement and on other employers and employees in this sector. In an industry driven by meticulous planning, an employer running a business cannot afford to be taken by surprise by the risks associated with non-compliance. Industrial Relations Act: Main collective agreement of the National Bargaining Council for the Road Freight and Logistics Industry (NBCRFLI): Invited representation on the 14th. The collective agreement signed in Johannesburg in August 2019 is attached to the notice. All provisions of an employment contract that purport to permit such a prohibited agreement are invalid. [4] If a contract of employment attempts to allow less favourable treatment than that provided for in the collective agreement or a waiver of the application of the provisions of the collective agreement, this may result in the nullity of the contract or the clauses at issue. Therefore, the employment relationship is governed by the NBCRFLI`s main collective agreement. Thus, the conditions of engagement between employer and employee will no longer be those initially envisaged.

The NBCRFLI consists of the Road Freight Employers` Association and a number of trade unions representing the interests of workers. The NBCRFLI has several agreements that bind its members. These agreements are as follows: I, Mildred Oliphant, Minister of Labour, hereby publish, as defined in subsection 32(2) in conjunction with section 32(5)(c) of the Labour Relations Act, 1995, a notice under the provisions of subsection 32(5)(c) calling on the public, at the request of the National Negotiating Council for the Road Freight and Logistics Industry, to extend to non-party parties with respect to its main collective agreement, at the Ministry of Labour on December 13, 2016. All companies involved in the transport of goods by road for hire or reward are covered by the NBCRFLI agreements. The definition of “property” includes, but is not limited to, sand, earth and stone. Article 66 of 1995 (`the LRA`) provides that, in the event of a dispute between the employment contract and the collective agreement, a collective agreement varies the employment contract between an employee and an employer, both of whom are bound by the collective agreement. [2] The collective agreement comes into force on the second Monday following the date of publication of this notice and for the period until February 28, 2022. . Sincerely, National Collective Bargaining Coordinator Jaco Swart You are not yet a LabourNet customer, but would you like to know more about our services and products? This 2014 document contains relevant amendments to the Main Collective Agreement of the Road Transport and Logistics Industry (NBCRFLI), as amended from time to time, and deals separately with membership in the Provident Fund.

. The National Bargaining Council for the Road Freight and Logistics Industry (“NBCRFLI”) and the main collective agreement In addition to the serious consequences that non-compliance can have on the management of a company, it can also lead to the company being subject to a compliance order, severe penalties such as heavy fines (up to 200% of the initial amount of the principal). Trade sanctions or criminal charges and loss of lucrative opportunities as well as reputational issues ARTICLE REQUEST SAVE THIS ARTICLE E-MAIL THIS ARTICLE For employment contracts that are fully compliant with the NBCRFLI agreement or other compliance issues, please contact: If you work in the road goods and logistics industry, you are bound by the main collective agreement and cannot legally withdraw from it. #LabourNet #labourlaw #DepartmentofLabour #BargainingCouncil #RoadFreightandLogisticsIndustry The Minister of Employment and Labour said that the tariff amendment agreement reached within the National Council for Collective Bargaining for the Road Goods and Logistics Sector will be extended to non-contracting parties. What are the consequences of non-compliance with the main collective agreement? The employment contract is the starting point of the employer-employee relationship. The purpose of the employment contract is not only the order of services, but the employment contract also specifies the conditions of such a mission. It follows, of course, that if the employment contract does not comply with the legal requirements, the basis of the employment relationship is put at risk. What does this mean for the private employment contract between the employer and the employee? Can the parties “withdraw” from the main collective agreement? What are the main aspects of the employment relationship provided for in the main collective agreement? To register by email subscriptions@creamermedia.co.za or click here To apply E-Mail-advertising@creamermedia.co.za or click here EXTENDED ROAD FREIGHT COUNCIL MAIN COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT The main agreement covers the following notable aspects, among others: Employers who need assistance with exemption applications can contact their NEASA regional office for assistance. Separate emails with commas, maximum limit of 4 addresses. . Industrial Relations Act: National Bargaining Council for the Road Freight and Logistics Industry (NBCRFLI): Main Collective Agreement: Extension to Non-Parties: Comments Requested (Gazette 40259, Notice R555) EMAIL TO THIS ARTICLE REGISTER ARTICLE REQUEST.

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