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Disagreement between Two Friends


Gather your friends, face to face, so that the dispute can be resolved. Express your appreciation for both and your concern about their bickering. Allow one and then the other to fully present each side of the argument by asking your friends not to interrupt and to listen fully to what is being said, advises therapist and lawyer Bill Eddy in “High Conflict Mediation: Four Tips for Mediators” for HighConflictInstitute.com. Emphasize the need to understand each other, show respect, and identify the feelings that are expressed. It`s hard to understand how to deal with conflicts with friends at this point in our lives if we don`t have a lot of advice on how to give it to those struggling with romance. Pop culture and social media also often sensationalize female friendships and make us feel ugly when we see problems in ourselves, but never in others. No friendship will always be the perfect time when Carrie, Miranda, Samantha and Charlotte strut arm in arm in slow motion – because like romantic relationships (shout it with me), friendships can also be complicated. “Treat your friends like you take your best photos; Put them in the best light. ~ Unknown Approach this with an end goal in mind. If this goal is to keep that friend in your life, it`s worth saving the friendship through healthy and balanced communication.

These things never help solve a problem and ultimately cause more harm to everyone involved. These include ultimatums, shouting, threats to cut off friendship, insults and personal attacks. Take the time to talk to your friend and understand their point of view. If it is a small misunderstanding, you will surely find a solution together. However, if it`s a big disagreement, you may need to assess how important the relationship is to you and whether you`re willing to make an effort to maintain it. And if you can both stay calm, there`s a much better chance you`ll resolve the conflict and keep your friendship intact – and quickly. You can finally walk away from it and know that you`ve done everything you can to save that friendship – which in itself is something you can be really proud of. As I said earlier, not all friendships are lifetime subscriptions.

Sometimes we are only meant to be friends with someone for so long before surpassing ourselves. And sometimes a conflict can be a sign that you and your friend have grown bigger than each other and that it`s time to let go of the friendship. Don`t be afraid to take a break from friendship if there doesn`t seem to be a good solution to the conflict. Sometimes a simple pause from each other can clarify the problem and give you a solution. It can also help you see when the friendship is really over and allow you to break up without harsh feelings or resentment. From time to time, you may have conflicts with your friends due to different ideas, visions, or tastes. Here are a few things you can do to resolve big and small disagreements. Before entering into the conversation to resolve the conflict, be prepared to accept that the friendship is over. This will prevent you from continuing to engage in the conversation once it becomes clear that you can`t solve it. This will make it easier for you to see when there is no other solution to this conflict than to let go of friendship. The stress that results from conflict with a friend can have a negative impact on you physically and emotionally. A study published in the Journal of Family Psychology found that conflict between teenage friends can contribute to school failure, withdrawal, and crime.

Other side effects of conflict for all ages include anxiety, depression, difficulty with other interpersonal relationships, and loss of friendship. It is important to leave the conflict behind so that your friendship can continue. In the end, you both try to convey your views to each other in order to try to reach an agreement. But there will probably be things you still can`t see at eye level. You can recognize their side of things and say you hear what they`re saying, and that`s okay if you both disagree,” Sbordone said. It is a question of how they get out of this disagreement. Conflicts will occur from time to time in any friendship, but you may be able to limit their frequency by following a few suggestions. The Mayo Clinic presents tips for maintaining a healthy friendship such as.B. Avoid competition, limit discomfort and negativity, respect your friend`s privacy, and refrain from judging your friend. Although disagreements inevitably arise, refrain from unnecessary conflicts to foster strong friendships. If things don`t go as planned, we can spin a spiral through a rabbit hole. This can cause you to ignore the real problem and address a dozen other things that happened at some point during your friendship – things that have nothing to do with the current conflict.

Even if you think they did something to hurt or irritate you intentionally, don`t make accusations. Remember that this is not supposed to be a confrontation; It should be an open dialogue that will heal your friendship. It will not happen if you lay charges. If you decide it`s time to address the issue of friendship, there should be some basic rules of communication and conflict mediation in place: Ask your friends what`s needed to solve the problem, suggests psychotherapist Joyce Marter in “10 More Tips for Effective Conflict Resolution” for “The Huffington Post.” Suggest that they drop anything they think is less important than their friendship. Encourage them to ask themselves if everyone would rather be right than friends and what would be lost if you apologized for the hurt feelings. Help them reconnect and celebrate their friendship when they`re ready to make it. It can be difficult for some of us to have the courage to deal with a relationship problem, so it`s important for these people to remember that friendships are relationships of choice, as opposed to family relationships, which are relationships by blood or the law. For most of us, this involves expecting some degree of reciprocity in the relationship, and if you feel like you`re not consistently up to the task, remember that it`s normal to share your feelings with your boyfriend. .

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